If you step from the Marine Art Gallery into Yves Berube’s small seaside home your first impression will be that you’ve stumbled into a maritime museum that lost its curator some years ago.

A 100 year old fishing boat forms the centerpiece for a jumble of ship models, marine artifacts and miscellaneous treasures from the bottom of the sea. Ship boards hang askew above an overflowing shelf of nautical reference books. Paintings in various states of completion lean everywhere. It looks like the dwelling of a man obsessed with the sea in every detail, and it is.

As a young boy Yves grew up within hailing distance of the huge freighters that sailed the St. Lawrence and this more than anything started his obsession with maritime life. In later years he went off to sea to

marine art nautical paintings yves berube
Yves and Molly
work on those very same ships and during this time he studied, sketched and painted, always refining his skills.His paintings now appear in film documentaries and on book covers and are displayed in numerous museums
© 2014 The Marine Art Gallery of the Atlantic
220 Old Hospital Road Lunenburg Nova Scotia B0J 2C0
and international collections. His art commissions come from anywhere on the globe.

Yves is also a member of the Canadian Society of Marine Artists.